Here is whats been going on :
1. Graduated from College- I am now am the owner of a shiny new Associates Degree! Well, I still have some stuff to take care of with the school so i don't actually have my degree yet but i will!
2. Broke up with Boyfriend who cheated on me- I found out some stuff about him and looks like when he was not with me he was bringing his Ex to his apartment...pffffft all i can say is i hope they are happy together.
3. Going on a trip to Illinois in 8 days to see Lisa Williams for the 2nd and 3rd time- I cannot wait for this trip it will be the first trip i ever took without my family PEACE OUT!
4. I want to start doing Reiki- I love helping people and i think this is the perfect step in achieving that.
5. My anxiety has came back a lot and im working on keeping it in check. Doing better but i still have my moments.
6. I cleaned my room out and got rid of some stuff but its still messy lol i have tooooo much crap!
7. Was hired for my first job by my Aunt who is starting up a company and i made her Logo, Buisness Card, Letterhead and Envelope. It was a lot of fun to do and im almost finished just a few things to fix up.
I have really sucked at keeping up with posting here but maybe just maybe i can get back into the swing of things.
Holy moly! I didn't know you were seeing anyone! I guess we've lost touch, huh? Good riddance to bad rubbish. Sounds like everything else is going really great for you. Congrats on all the good news!!!
Yay for updates! :)
You had some good stuff on there for sure. I am sorry that some negative stuff has been going on as well.
Take care of you babe and keeping rocking with the art! :P
Thanks Kasey- Yeah we have lost touch and that makes me sad! We need to catch up soon!
Kaz- Ah well the Negative comes and goes but i'll make it through :)
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