Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seven, Seven, SEVEN !

Here is whats been going on :

1. Graduated from College- I am now am the owner of a shiny new Associates Degree! Well, I still have some stuff to take care of with the school so i don't actually have my degree yet but i will!

2. Broke up with Boyfriend who cheated on me- I found out some stuff about him and looks like when he was not with me he was bringing his Ex to his apartment...pffffft all i can say is i hope they are happy together.

3. Going on a trip to Illinois in 8 days to see Lisa Williams for the 2nd and 3rd time- I cannot wait for this trip it will be the first trip i ever took without my family PEACE OUT!

4. I want to start doing Reiki- I love helping people and i think this is the perfect step in achieving that.

5. My anxiety has came back a lot and im working on keeping it in check. Doing better but i still have my moments.

6. I cleaned my room out and got rid of some stuff but its still messy lol i have tooooo much crap!

7. Was hired for my first job by my Aunt who is starting up a company and i made her Logo, Buisness Card, Letterhead and Envelope. It was a lot of fun to do and im almost finished just a few things to fix up.

I have really sucked at keeping up with posting here but maybe just maybe i can get back into the swing of things.


Kate said...

Holy moly! I didn't know you were seeing anyone! I guess we've lost touch, huh? Good riddance to bad rubbish. Sounds like everything else is going really great for you. Congrats on all the good news!!!

Kaz said...

Yay for updates! :)

You had some good stuff on there for sure. I am sorry that some negative stuff has been going on as well.

Take care of you babe and keeping rocking with the art! :P

Lindsay said...

Thanks Kasey- Yeah we have lost touch and that makes me sad! We need to catch up soon!

Kaz- Ah well the Negative comes and goes but i'll make it through :)